Lesson 9 - Standard JavaScript Events Including those for Mobile Devices ( Ex. onTouchBegin, onLoad, etc.) and Animation and Transition Events
JavaScript events are things that happen to HTML elements. We have already used one very common event "onclick". Here is a list of the most common HTML Events from w3schools.
![HTML Events Chart](img/HTMLevents.png)
HTML Event Examples
CSS and JavaScript Code
Mouse Over
Mobile Enviornment
Other events are specific to use in the mobile enviornment. Here is a list from javascriptkit.com
![JavaScript Touch Events](img/JStouchEvents.png)
When using a touch event we also need to use an event listener. This "listens" for the touch event to take place.
someElement.addEventListener('touchstart', process_touchstart,false);
Here is a code example. For our code here you can touch anywhere in the body of the page and the output will be the x and y coordinates of the touch event.
![code for mobile touch](img/mobileCode.png)